November 29, 2005

Recently added bookmarks; November 29, 2005

Baking supplies from the San Francisco Baking Institute - Baking and Pastry Arts School for Professionals and Enthusiasts

San Francisco Baking Institute - Baking and Pastry Arts School for Professionals and Enthusiasts

Computer Science Style Guide Suggestions

ACM, APA, and IEEE bibliographic styles from Dalhousie University Libraries

Looks Too Good To Be True

Looks Too Good to Be True is the internet resource for information, reporting and education for consumers who may be the victim of online or mail fraud.

NPR : Kitchen Window
Kitchen Window commentaries on food and entertaining are published every Wednesday and feature recipes.

Pew Internet & American Life Project Report: Search engine use
Online Activities & Pursuits. Search engine use shoots up in the past year and edges towards email as the primary internet application. 11/20/2005 | Lee Rainie

Recognizing and Avoiding Spyware
A cyber-security tip from CERT, 2004.

Webmaster Tools and SEO Software Resources :: Webmaster Toolkit
"This site came into existence as a collection of webmaster tools developed to help myself and a few other webmasters with our daily webmaster chores. After creating a fair number of online tools, it was decided that we should make the site public, so that other webmasters around the world would have access to them for free. The suite of free tools and resources offered continues to grow to this day, and we aim to offer something useful for the beginner to the advanced webmaster alike." - Webmaster Tools
A collection of links to tools for Webmasters. Includes "Free Counters and Stats, Website Hosting,Free Email, Website Builders and Maintenance Tools, Clip Art and Graphics,Free Script - Javascript, Perl, Python, CGI, Tutorials for Webmasters, and Digital Photography."

And today's special is ..
No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement. Florida Scott-Maxwell

Posted by ernie at November 29, 2005 06:13 AM
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