June 24, 2005

Noteworthy Sites Scraped from the Blogosphere June 24, 2005

From Librarians' Index to the Internet

Youth & Militarism : AFSC "Questions and answers from this Quaker organization "committed to the principles of nonviolence," about military recruitment issues facing American youth. Topics addressed include counter-recruitment, the military in schools, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test (the admissions and placement test for the U.S. military), draft registration and selective service registration, and conscientious objection."
Ask the Expert: Early retirement - May. 9, 2005 "May 2005 article that discusses issues to consider when planning for early retirement. Topics include lifestyle and emotional issues, and financial considerations. Includes links to related articles and to retirement income and benefits calculators. From CNN/Money."
FireWire vs Hi-Speed USB Connecting peripheral devices to your computer used to be a drag. Not only would you need extra cables and power cords but sometimes you'd also need to reboot your system and wait for it to respond each time you plugged in a new gadget. And, once connected, the transfer of data could be painfully slow. Thankfully, along came FireWire and Universal Serial Bus (USB): faster and easier to use replacements for serial and parallel ports.

And today's special is ..
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. - John Ruskin


Posted by ernie at June 24, 2005 11:29 AM
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