May 22, 2005

Maybe We Should Let That Kudzu (that's theatening to overtake the house) Grow

In this week's issue of the Scout Report:

The Scout Report -- Volume 11, Number 20, In The News: Kudzu May Help Curb Excessive Drinking

"Study: Herb Helps Curb Binge Drinking,0,179837.story?coll=sns-ap-health-headlines .....
For more than 100 years, kudzu has been seen by many as a curse on the landscape of the American South, growing up to a foot in a single day, and extending over thousands of acres of land. This pervasive plant may be getting a better name soon, as recent research has indicated that the plant may be able to help curb binge-drinking. In a recent study conducted by researcher Scott Lukas at the Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital indicates that those participants who took kudzu pills drank an average of 1.8 beers per session, compared with the 3.5 beers consumed by those who took a placebo. This research draws on many hundreds of years of anecdotal evidence from China, where various parts of the kudzu plant have been used in a variety of treatments. The initial reports seem to suggest that while kudzu won’t in fact turn heavy drinkers into complete teetotalers, it will in fact help them cut back."

Posted by ernie at May 22, 2005 08:14 AM
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