phrase, trail, and travel guides
What a nice site! it contains links to printable booklets of language basics for tourists in French, German, Italian, Hungarian (that's ho I came across this site, but that's another story), Russian, Albanian, Czech, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, Croatian, Slovene, Danish, Afrikaans, Dutch, Portuguese, and Romanian, and partial booklets for several other languages. Radovan Anzulovic, the site's author, also includes audio files to help with pronunciation.
A very useful and helpful site. This is yet another example of an individual using the Internet to be helpful, without starting the project as an overt commercial venture. Here is his statement of purpose taken from the section About: "My goal is to create the best phrase guides and language aides on the web. My purpose is not as clear. I am obviously putting a lot of personal time and money into it. My purpose is really to be satisfied that I have a fantastic product. Of course I dream of being able to someday live from something that I'm doing on the web. I could then live anywhere, or travel anywhere, and still be at work. (But how realistic is that?)" My comment: Be careful what you wish for. Too many of us are working wherever we are by taking along the connecting technology.
This is a first-class, easy-to-use, and helpful site. Congratulations.
Posted by ernie at December 15, 2004 08:09 AM