November 22, 2004

Writing for the Web

Here is a collection of annotated links about writing for the Web.

Net Tips for Writers and Designers
Tips about writing and design from a writer, type designer, and typographer.
Schnell - Writing for the Web: A Primer for Librarians
A comprehensive resource covering HTML, XHTML, XML, CGI, and various other technical issues for an audience that may not think of themselves as being technically oriented, but find themselves faced with such tasks.
WDVL: Writing for the Web
Covers "proper style, linking etiquette, and the various ways in which writing for the Web differs from writing for print publication."
Web Teaching Articles: Writing for the Web
Web Teaching Articles Writing dartmouth
Web Writing Basics
Good straight-forward tips about writing style and presentation issues.
Writing for effective web pages
Good one page guide to effective writing for the Web.
Writing for the Web
A general purpose guide including detailed technical information and some tips related to readability. Consult this after you've done your first or second draft.
Writing for the Web: An Information Paper from the NOF Advisory Service
Good resource for writing for people with varying abilities. Topics include "Audiences experiencing barriers to the web, Assessing readability, Disabled people, Writing for disabled people"
Writing Web Pages
Some good advice for beginners in terms of downloading files and other nuts-and-bolts issues. Some links are no longer active or point to information that's out of date.
Writing Well for the Web -
"Quick and easy tips for non-writers." Good to use to help you with style and grammar issues.

Posted by ernie at November 22, 2004 11:48 AM
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