November 29, 2004

notes from a test

Grading the take-home test from CPSC 104, The Internet: Technology, Issues & Information makes me want to write down a few things to help myself for the next time I teach the course.

Emphasize the different types of writing that will have to be done. On the test students were asked to write a research piece, an opinion piece that was supported by other sources, a site review, and step-by-step instructions. These are typical types of webwriting and the course should include at least one assignment for each type of writing.

Stress the differences between the notions of accuracy and objectivity. Use a site that contains accurate info, but with a slant.

Stress research about an author, even if there is no information at a site that carries the author's work. Find out who the author is, what other works she has produced, etc.

Check resources for actual date of authorship, not only using the date on a Web page.

Posted by ernie at November 29, 2004 08:07 AM
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