We had a brief discussion about using "click here" as a hyperlink in my Internet course yesterday. The following annotated list provides guidance in creating hyperlinks:
Hyperlink Issues and Design. A brief guide to creating effective hyperlinks.
Writing Links That Your Readers Will Click On, Web Writing: Good Links are Crucial to Have Clear Powerful Web Prose. Part of the work by Jennifer Kyrin dealing with writing for the Web at about.com. Includes links to other pages about creating hyperlinks.
What is good hypertext writing?. Jutta Degener's comments on writing for the Web. "There is more to writing than putting words next to each other, and there is more to writing hypertext than throwing together a bunch of links. "
Don't say "click here"; not everyone will be clicking - Quality Web Tips. Tips and links to more tips, Quality Assurance Activity at the World Wide Web Consortium.
Posted by ernie at November 30, 2004 07:20 AM