July 02, 2003

World of Science

I got to visit a site that once again made me feel that great exciement of finding an excellent resource on the Web.

The site is Wolfram's Research World of Science http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/.
It's clean, easy to use, and has lots of depth. The main categories are mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biography.

Not sure why none of the life scienes are listedand why biography is there. The self-description of the site pretty much identifies this as an encyclopedia put togehter by one person : "This resource has been assembled over more than a decade by internet encyclopedist Eric W. Weisstein with assistance from the internet community." - About Eric Weisstein's World of Science

It's a great site and visit it when you get the chance.

Originally posted September 2002

Posted by ernie at July 2, 2003 12:54 PM
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