This Web page is an electronic companion to the book Learning to Use the World Wide Web, by Ernest C. Ackermann . It contains links to the Internet resources, sites, and services mentioned in the text.
Please send any comments, questions or suggestions to the author at .
The Basics of Electronic Mail and Using Netscape Email
Chapter 3.
Finding Addresses
Help with Email
Dealing with Email Limitations

Electronic mail, or email, lets you communicate with other people on the Internet. Email is one of the basic Internet services, and by far the most popular. You can use it for any type of conversation; it's a way to keep in touch with friends, get information, start relationships, or express your opinion. Much of the time you'll be exchanging messages in plain text form (like the words on this page), but you can also exchange files in other formats such as spreadsheets, files for word processors, images, or programs. You can use email to join discussion groups and access other Internet services, but you can get to those other services using your Web browser as well. You can send messages to anyone with an Internet address, and likewise, you can receive email from anywhere on the Internet. With over 30 million people having some sort of connection to the Internet you've got the opportunity to communicate with people nearby and around the world in a relatively quick and efficient manner.

How Email is Exchanged Between Computer Systems

Finding Someone's Internet Email Address

Once you get the bug of communicating by email, you'll probably start to wonder about the email addresses of your friends, and there may be other times you'll want to know someone's email address. Some methods and services exist to help find email addresses, but none of them are guaranteed to produce satisfactory results every time. A few of them are listed here.
Sending Email from the Internet to Other Networks The most extensive list of ways to send email from one network to another is Inter-Network Mail Guide currently maintained by Scott Yanoff (
Getting Help "A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email", by Kaitlin Duck Sherwood
E-mail Web Resources
Mary Houten-Kemp's Everything E-mail
Electronic Mail: Frequently Asked Questions, maintained by David Alex Lamb
Tips and Answers about Netscape Messenger, ZDNet Help Channel
Dealing With Email Limitations

Common Emoticons and Acronyms
Join the Fight Against Spam!

E-mail Privacy

Finding Addresses | Help with Email | Dealing with Email Limitations

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Some other places you may want to visit
Internet Today! Email, Searching & the Web Internet and Web Esentials Learning to Use the World Wide Web Searching and Researching on the World Wide Web

This is a Production. ©1997, 1998, 1999 Ernest Ackermann
Please send comments/questions to

FROM the fortune list ...

The web of our life is of mingled yarn, good and ill together. - Shakespeare